Wayfinder Weapon List

Weapons are the offensive items in Wayfinder. Every character can equip every weapon available in the game. By equipping a weapon you also obtain its corresponding weapon ability. In the weapon list below you can find all known Wayfinder weapons and their abilites.

⚠️ Wayfinder is still under NDA and the weapon list is not complete.

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What Are Signature Weapons?

Every character in Wayfinder has one Signature Weapon that matches his playstyle and abilities very well. The ability or passive effect of that weapon will most likely provide synergies optimized toward this specific character.

Each character can use any weapon and even equip a Signature Weapon of another character. With the information we have, it seems like Signature Weapon has no deeper meaning in the game itself, except a stronger synergy towards one specific character.

How To Obtain New Weapons In Wayfinder?

New weapons can be obtained in Wayfinder via crafting. Weapons do not drop directly from enemies. Instead, the recipes and crafting materials to craft a weapon can be found in e.g. dungeons.

What Are Weapon Abilities?

While playing Wayfinder, a character has multiple abilities he or she can use. One of the abilities, the Weapon Ability, is determined by the weapon the character has equipped. Changing the weapon will also change the Weapon Ability.

While using a specific weapon in combat this weapon collects experience points and levels up. Most likely leveling up will increase the stats of the weapon and maybe increases the power of the ability too.

Does Weapon Crafting Involve RNG?

Crafting a weapon will always give the pre-defined stats and ability. There is no RNG involved, like rolling the stat values or random traits while crafting a weapon.

To give more depth to characters there will be items to modify a weapon for different playstyles. These modifications are called Echoes and can be socketed into weapons to increase specific stats or add special effects and synergies.

How Many Weapons Are There?

The weapon list above shows all weapons that were shown officially. Weapons with missing data were only shown in some early gameplay footage and it is not unlikely that they'll change before Wayfinder goes into Early Access.

The exact number of weapons Wayfinder will launch with is not known yet. It is, however, confirmed that new weapons will be introduced. SOLIDAge confirmed that not all weapons are ready yet, but it looks like the number of weapons in the upcoming beta tests in Wayfinder is pretty close to what we will see in the Early Access release.

Quote of SOLIDAge about new weapons in Wayfinder.
SOLIDAge said: I'll be honest we have 1-2 more weapons we'd like to introduce sooner rather than later, then focus on characters. Weapon types can expand down the line but it won’t be our primary new content.

What Are Weapon Classes in Wayfinder?

Every weapon belongs to a weapon class. Weapon classes are e.g. Sword and Shield or Dual Blades. It seems likely that weapons of the same weapon class share some similarities like passive effects.

Weapon classes are further drilled down to subclasses. Weapons of the class Two Handed Melee can be divided into e.g. Great Hammers and Great Swords. Subclasses offer some more gameplay variations.